- School Fees must be paid monthly before 15th of every month. Surcharge @ Rs. 50 per month will be charge if the fees is paid after the specified date.
- If a cheque is dishonoured for any reasons, the School will levy a charge of Rs. 300 only cash will be accepted.
- School fee is payable at HDFC BANK Naigaon (E) branch on monthly bases. Pay in — slip will be provided to every Student at the time of admission.
- All facility fees will be charged annually.
- Under any circumstances fees once paid will not be refunded.
- Two calendar month's note in duplicate in writing is required before the withdrawal of pupil from the school or two month fees to be paid in lieu of notice.
- A leaving Certificate will not be issued unless the fees is paid in full, the library books are returned and a withdrawal form (Given in the calendar) is filled & submitted to the office.